Tuesday, January 18, 2011

covering couches

I still have a lovely set of wingbacks to cover one day, so I am always on the look out for bright and happy ways people have covered their haggered couches. I quite liked this job by Molly on a blog I daze through called design sponge.

etsy shirt pins

Rob and I are heading to Cambodia in the very hot of April this year. I have been wondering how I can get away with wearing light summery clothing without looking like a complete backpacker. Some embellishments like some beads or the like are needed I feel.
I don't get to troll through etsy as often as I like. I quite like this shirt pin from here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

cushion curing the cabin fever

Over the xmas break, time was abundant. My guests for the holidays decided not to visit me because they rightly felt that they may be flood bound and not able to leave once they arrived. So I sewed, and sewed. To tie in my purple wall and my new paint drop sheet couch covers I made a few cushion covers.

Friday, January 14, 2011

new chair seats again

Although I only recovered my dining chairs a short time ago, I thought that the black and bronze was a bit too dark and the fabric also didn't weather too well. I thought that I would attempt to bring the colour from my feature wall (purple) into the chairs, give them a brighter colour and bring in some of the oranges that I have about the house.
The white and bright fabric is all well and good, but I thought that seeing that this fabric is soooo pretty, I would try and prolong its life by also covering the fabric in a thin plastic. I am quite happy with the result....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

craft time

Well since the end of December I have been slightly home bound due to the flooding devastation in my hometown. My friends cancelled their trips to see me and so I had nothing much else I could do but work on my house furnishings and do some painting in preparation for my move. My two little dogs have made a meal of their pretty little dog beds that I bought for them.... but for some reason they love their european pillows that I gave them in lieu of the beds, and so I thought I would personalize their sleeping quarters. Benson's bed probably needs a better inner, but for some reason he likes it nice and mushy the way it is.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

vintage veneer

In my hometown we have a little antique store by the name of Gnomes. Sometimes there is the odd gem in stock. Sometimes the prices are a bargain and well sometimes a little out of my range. We picked up a lovely cocktail cupboard here about a year ago. Veneer... I love it.
He had in stock this set of draws and this lowboy the other day. These were a bit out of my price range, but we thought that the lowboy would make for a wonderful television cabinet (I don't like the tele on display - its just so electronic and masculine).